Work WIth Us
When you hire ParadigmAg, you are hiring a writer with a degree in creative writing, nearly a decade of journalism experience, a graduate degree in education, leadership, and communications, an experienced researcher, public policy analyst, lifelong farmer, and public speaker.
The goal of ParadigmAg is to tell your story with precision, clarity, and accuracy. ParadigmAg will take the time necessary to ensure your story is told the right way the first time.
ParadigmAg will use interviews to tell a story based upon your experiences and add data from outside sources like the U.S. Department of Agriculture and academic research institutions to highlight how your story is a reflection of your ingenuity and the best available science.
We’ll set deadlines based on deliverables (opinion, creative, technical, etc.).
Because of the nature of communications, we do offer rush options for established clients. -
If you believe ParadigmAg might be the right fit for your needs, fill out the questionnaire on the contact page, and we will contact you with a link to schedule an appointment.